Campaign Finance
We are currently reviewing and updating the information on this page for the 2025-2026 election cycle.
Candidates and Political Action Committees (PACs) collecting and/or spending funds related to an election in Yavapai County must file reports showing the contributors and expenses of the committee. It is the Candidate/Committee's responsibility to ensure compliance with all campaign finance laws. Please reference your candidate packet, A.R.S. § 16-926, A.R.S. § 16-937, and A.R.S. Title 16 for additional requirements. All Campaign Finance documents are public record.
Campaign Finance Late Fees
Please file your Campaign Finance Reports on time. Late filing fees will be assessed on all late reports beginning the first day after your Campaign Finance Report was due and will accrue at a rate of $10 per day for 15 days and then increase to $25 per day until the report is filed (A.R.S. § 16-937(B)). If you choose to mail your paperwork, only a certified mail postmark will be accepted if your report is received after the deadline.
State statutes regarding the Termination of a Committee can be found in A.R.S. § 16-933, A.R.S. § 16-934, and A.R.S. Title 16.
Yavapai County Elections cannot provide legal advice, please contact your legal counsel.
Feel free to contact us by phone at 928-771-3248 Ext. 8, or by email at